Growers' Corner
Datu Mondia Imbok, Makilala grower

This is about the intertwined stories of Datu Mondia Imbok and his Bagobo Tagabawa IP community in Buhay, Makilala. This is both a personal story in the context of a community story.
August 2020
Perfecto Cruz, Tupi grower
"We are very thankful for the continued patronage of the Japanese consumers cooperative especially during this COVID pandemic that the sources of income is very minimal"
June 2020
Marcelo Ciscar, Northern Luzon grower

"Balangon trading is very important. ATPI has never ceased in buying bananas not even during this COVID pandemic".
p2p Stories

August,2020. Relief and rehabilitation of Makilala after the earthquake amidst the COVID19 pandemic.

July2020. Voices amidst COVID19 pandemic
Arlene Destriza, Finance Associate, Dumaguete PC
Jazmin Joy Bermeo, Operation Associate, Near North PC

July11,2020. Basic health protocols implemented in packing centers under the “new normal”
Wearing of face mask at workplace
Regular hand sanitation using water and alcohol
Installation of footbath to disinfect footwear prior to entering the packing center
Screening of personnel health status
Credit: Juliet Wasit, Northern Luzon Packing Center-in-charge